Accredited Training and Volunteer Placements
As part of its 12 step approach, Changes encourages service users to ‘pass on’ their recovery to others in need, i.e. based on our understanding that the ‘best way to hold onto something, is to give it away…’
Consequently, Changes offers accredited training and support to users, (and like-minded people), who wish to perform volunteer roles within our mental health and wellbeing organisation here in Stoke on Trent.
If you are interested in training or volunteering for Changes – for further information please call 01782 411433 or email us at
Accredited Training

Whatever role you choose, Changes Volunteer Liaison Officers will provide you with the training, resources and support necessary to effectively perform this role and benefit from the experience.
In addition to external training courses – Changes will provide you with access to relevant in-house training – including accredited training for those wishing to become involved in service delivery.
As an AIM Learning Centre – Changes training programmes are all FREE and built around its user’s needs, i.e. designed to:
- Ease you back into education, (there are no assignments or exams – you are simply asked to keep a ‘learning diary’ and we have regular ‘chats’ to determine what you have learned);
- Allow you to make capital of your use of Changes services, i.e. with attendance counting towards AIM ‘learning hours’
Changes main AIM training programmes are:
PSG Coordinators Programme: a 17 week x 3 hour sessions training programme + hours spent attending Changes service.
Carrying both Level 2 and 3 accreditation and based on 4 distinct modules, the programme covers:
- Organisational Philosophy & Structure
- Meeting & Coordinator Knowledge/Skills
- Practical Meeting Skills
- Practical Application of Coordinator Knowledge & Skills
Peer Mentoring Programme: a 5 week x 3 hour sessions training programme + hours spent attending Changes service.
Carrying both Level 2 accreditation and based on 2 distinct modules, the programme covers:
- Understanding Peer Mentoring
- Peer Mentoring Skills
Group Coordinator Training and Peer Mentoring Programmes run throughout the year, (with both programmes being promoted on Changes website, social media and series of open-events).
Volunteer Placements

Supporting Changes management, administration and service delivery, volunteer roles include: Member of Changes Board of Directors, Group Co-ordinator, Peer Mentor, Wellbeing Trainer, Office Worker etc.
Providing you with the opportunity to ‘give something back’ and helping Changes to support your community, volunteering, not only reinforces your recovery – it improves your confidence and self-esteem, connects you with people who share Changes vision, and helps you to learn new skills, (that can increase your employment options).